December is always the most financially ruinous month of the year. Beyond the obligatory gift-giving and the extravagant holiday parties, December also happens to be my birthday month, which means I’m constantly picking up shiny little trinkets and rationalizing them as “birthday treats.” I’ve always liked the idea of buying myself one big gift for every birthday, but somehow the budget always gets blown on a bunch of smaller things that happen to cross my path. I’m hoping the following list functions as a sort of spiritual cleanse; that once I put my desires out into the universe, I’ll be more equipped to let them go. (That said, I’m very much keeping my eye on post-Holiday sales for the coat…) So for the last edition of Freak Palace before the holiday break, here are ten things I would absolutely buy for myself right now if I wanted to go into serious debt.

This oversized COS wool coat. Look at the cocoon sleeves—delicious!

10 karat gold safety pin earrings from Paris Jewellers. On sale for $189.50!
Arc pants from Le Bon Shoppe. Every time I see a cool girl wearing a pair of pants I like on Instagram, I tap the photo and they turn out to be these pants. I love the subtle barrel leg and very much appreciate the elastic waistband.
Is this Kafe Fassett crab pillow one of the most insane things I have ever seen in my life? Yes. Do I absolutely need it? Also yes. (Actually, I think I like this blue lettuce one even more, if I’m being honest.) It’s also $217 and a needlepoint kit instead of a finished pillow. If I thought there was a greater than zero chance I would pick up needlepoint as a hobby I might have bought it already but instead I’ll just imagine the kind of Martha Stewart life I’d be living if this thing was in my life.
X-Ray Spex sweater by Hades Wool. I have long admired this British knitwear brand for their elevated take on band t-shirts. Instead of a heavy, cotton screenprinted tee, why NOT show your love for David Bowie in the form of a high-quality sweater made from the softest, warmest wool? The hardest part is knowing which one to pick out, but I think this X-Ray Spex one is the move.
Vivienne Westwood buckle shoes. I’m pretty sure the first time I posted about these, it was on my Blogspot blog way back in high school, which means I’ve coveted these shoes for a good twenty years. Some things never change.
Dunoon fine bone china mug. I used to have a crazy ‘Earth’s core’ mug I found for, like, $20 at a discount shop in university. At the time, I had no idea it was actually high quality china, I just thought it looked cool. It was massive and I used it every day until the porcelain eventually cracked. I haven’t bothered to replace it because mugs aren’t exactly scarce, but if I had to pick out my #1 coffee drinking vessel choice in the world it would be one of these.
Deer Dana Henry Rollins long sleeve tee. This print was originally made by the indie sleaze-era brand Obesity + Speed (what a name, lol). Every few months I think about how much I love this shirt, open this tab on my phone, then promptly forget about it. I’m not in the market to spend $75 USD on a shirt I’ll wear three times before ruining the armpits, so on the wishlist it stays.
Pleats Please sleeveless turtleneck. You can literally never go wrong with Issey Miyake Pleats Please. Over time, I’m planning on acquiring several of these sleeveless turtlenecks and becoming the type of person who just wears them in rotation every summer with different skirts/pants. They’re that good.
White Ecco boots. Every so often I put together an outfit and think, ‘This would look great with a pair of white boots.’ I don’t own a pair of white boots, but I would like to own these.